​​​​Analyze Your Energy Use

Use our FREE energy analysis tools to help you calculate better energy savings!

My Energy Analyzer

My Energy Analyzer is a free energy analysis tool for our residential customers. In less than 10 minutes, this tool can help you better understand your household energy use and identify ways to save energy and money.

  • Receive customized energy efficiency tips for your home
  • Learn about cost-effective solutions for lowering your bill
  • Understand where your home's energy dollars are being ​spent
  • Learn about other factors that may affect your bill such as weather and energy efficient appliances​

My Energy Analyzer is Easy to Use!

The tool is available through My Account. Simply register or sign in and click on your Account Details page. Select the Analyze Bill button. You’ll then complete a short home energy profile that generates a custom report about your home energy use and analysis of your natural gas usage. 



You can find more ways to save with our water heater and furnace efficiency calculators: