If you are having trouble paying your natural gas bill, please contact us right away for assistance; don't wait until you receive a disconnection/shut-off notice or your natural gas service has been disconnected. You can also refer to the programs and services below for payment assistance.
Payment Extension and
Payment Arrangement are two free offerings which are available to customers in need of a special payment plan on a temporary basis in order to keep service connected and manage energy costs.
To help you avoid late payment fees and remain in good financial standing, we offer special one-time due date extensions for customers who qualify. However, once an extension is granted, it is not permanent. Your due date will return to the original date listed on your next bill. There is no fee for enrolling in the program.
Set up payment arrangement
Enrolling in Payment Arrangement allows you to pay a total bill in smaller increments over a set period of time. There is no fee for enrolling in the program.
Once you are enrolled, you must pay your installments by the due dates displayed on your monthly CenterPoint Energy bill. In addition, you must pay the current charges on your monthly CenterPoint Energy bill by the due date provided on that bill. Failure to meet both requirements will automatically break the arrangement, and you will be required to pay the entire account balance immediately to avoid service disconnection.
Request payment extension