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Small Business
<img alt="" src="/en-us/Image%20Library/Icons%2050x50/icon_Small_Business_store.gif" width="50" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
<a href="/AUDIENCE_HOLDER/services/small-business/?WT.ac=Explore_Services">/AUDIENCE_HOLDER/services/small-business/</a>
Small Business
Commercial & Industrial
<img alt="" src="/en-us/Image%20Library/Icons%2050x50/icon_Commercial_Industrial_briefcase.gif" width="50" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
<a href="/AUDIENCE_HOLDER/SERVICES/commercial-industrial/?WT.ac=Explore_Services">commercial-industrial</a>
Commercial & Industrial
Builders & Developers
<img alt="" src="/en-us/Image%20Library/Icons%2050x50/icon_Builders_Developers_hard_hat.gif" width="50" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
<a href="/AUDIENCE_HOLDER/SERVICES/builders-developers/?WT.ac=Explore_Services">builders-developers</a>
Builders & Developers
Economic Development
<img alt="" src="/en-us/Image Library/Icons 50x50/icon_hsp_pay_bill.png" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
<a href="/en-us/business/services/economic-development"><img alt="" src="/_layouts/15/IMAGES/icgen.gif">economic-development</a>
Economic Development
Competitive Retailers
<img alt="" src="/en-us/Image Library/Icons 50x50/icon_Efficiency_checklist.gif" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
<a href="/en-us/business/services/competitive-retailers?WT.ac=Explore_Services">competitive-retailers</a>
Competitive Retailers
Mechanical Contractors
<img alt="" src="/en-us/Image Library/Icons 50x50/icon_Mechanical_contractors.gif" style="BORDER: 0px solid; ">
<a href="/audience_holder/services/mechanical-contractors-commercial-distributors?WT.ac=Explore_Services">mechanical-contractors-commercial-distributors</a>
Mechanical Contractors



/en-us/Image Library/CNP-Body/strong grid.jpg

You can count on us​

How we build and strengthen our grid.

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Reliable energy for your business​

We're here when you need us.

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Save energy and money

Electric efficiency programs for your business.

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You've made a great choice​

How natural gas benefits you.

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Call before you dig​

Always call 811 first - it's free

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Drop by, share your ideas, and chat with our CenterPoint Energy team about how we are taking actions now to become the most resilient coastal grid in the country.

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Texas Customer Rate Relief Filing

​Find more information about this filing here.