​Information for end-use customers in Louisiana

CenterPoint Energy's Transportation Services provides qualifying large-volume end-use commercial and industrial natural gas customers on CenterPoint Energy's distribution system with access to competitive natural gas suppliers. When not using Transportation Services, an end-use customer pays the regulated rate of the natural gas supply used by CenterPoint Energy to serve its sales customers.

Transportation Services provides the end-use customer with the freedom to select the supplier and pricing structure best able to meet their supply needs and rate expectations. It is important to note that a qualified end-use customer is not required to use Transportation Services. For those end-use customers who decline this choice, CenterPoint Energy will continue to provide safe, reliable natural gas sales service to a customer's facility.

Natural Gas Delivery

Suppliers coordinate with CenterPoint Energy on the delivery of the appropriate amounts of natural gas into the CenterPoint Energy distribution system, and CenterPoint Energy transports the natural gas to the end-use customer’s meter. A participating end-use customer will receive on bill from the supplier that will cover all charges for natural gas service, including CenterPoint Energy's cost of transporting natural gas to the meter.

Qualifying for Transportation Services in Louisiana

To qualify for Transportation Services in Louisiana, an end-use customer must consume an average of at least 10 Mcf per day on an annual basis. The end-use customer enters into a contract with the supplier (or shipper) of their choice for natural gas supply, upstream pipeline capacity, as necessary, and distribution service for a minimum term of one year.  The supplier enters into a minimum one-year contract with CenterPoint Energy Transportation Services for delivery of natural gas to the customer's meter.  Eligible commercial end-use customers in North Louisiana will be provided service under Rate Schedule LCT-1 while eligible industrial end-use customers in North Louisiana will be provided service under Rate Schedule GIT-1.  Eligible commercial and industrial end-use customers in South Louisiana will be provided service under Rate Schedule LVT-1.

Louisiana Rate Schedules:

  • North Louisiana Rate Schedules (LCT-1, GIT-1)
  • South Louisiana Rate Schedules (LVT-1)

Getting Started in Louisiana

An Exhibit A agreement must be signed by the supplier and the end-use customer and submitted to CenterPoint Energy by the supplier at least 30 days prior to the anticipated start date of services. All renewals or changes in service must be submitted at least 15 days prior to the anticipated renewal or change date.

For more information, contact TransportationServices@CenterPointEnergy.com.

Transportation Services in Louisiana