Ab​​out gas transportation

Through CenterPoint Energy's Gas Transportation Service, qualifying non-residential customers are eligible to select from an approved-list of natural gas suppliers to purchase gas supplies. 

Select from the options below to see a variety of resources regarding gas transportation agreements, find contact information and more.​



​Ohio Customers & Suppliers

Territory map of Ohio 

Make a selection 

Choose an option below if you are a gas transportation customer or supplier in an Ohio county served by CenterPoint Energy.  

Customer     Supplier      Transportation

Agency Agreements 

Customers wishing to elect an Agent (Gas Supplier) to manage their gas needs must submit an Agency Agreement. The Agency Agreement as seen below must be completed in its entirety, including the customer's authorized signature, no later than 10 business days prior to the first of the month to which the agreement shall be effective. If you are requesting multiple accounts under one customer, please also fill out the multiple accounts spreadsheet below and attach along with the agency agreement. Agency Agreements may only be submitted to the Company by the customer, and must be emailed to gastransportationbilling@centerpointenergy.com. For information on approved suppliers for your area click here.

Agency Agreement    Multiple Accounts

Why participate?


Participating in this program allows you to negotiate delivery schedules and amounts with an approved supplier.


By participating in this program, you may be able to secure favorable rates and agreements with natural gas suppliers.


If you ever need to alter your gas preferences, you have the flexibility to choose another supplier from our approved list.​
