
CenterPoint Energy is making it easier and more beneficial than ever to give your homebuyers what they prefer: the operating cost savings, environmental b​enefits and efficiency of natural gas for heating and water heating.

In the Resource Center, find valuable information, programs and services that you can take advantage of when you build in the benefits of natural gas into the homes you build.

​​​​CenterPoint Energy's High Efficiency Homes Program

 This program takes a holistic view of gas savings and uses energy modeling software to measure the impact of multiple elements of the home's design and construction, from the HVAC systems to the building envelope to the orientation of the home on the lot. Participating builders earn rebates based on the total resulting gas savings.

Residential rebates​​

Learn about great incentives available when you install high efficiency heating systems, water heaters and fireplaces into the homes you build. Homeowners will benefit with superior performance and lower energy bills and you add rebates to your bottom line.

Commercial rebates​​​

CenterPoint Energy offers a host of programs and expert resources to help commercial buil​ders and developers design for energy efficiency and operating cost savings. Learn about rebates for commercial heating systems, foodservice equipment and more.

Minnesota mechanical and fuel gas codes​​​​

Find helpful information and tools that make it easier for you to meet the requirements of the Minnesota Mechanical and Fuel Gas Code. 

Builders Club​​

Watch your Builders Club points add up when you install natural gas water heaters in the homes you build. Add even more points with our model home program where you earn 1,000 points when you display our model home marketing signs in qualified homes on CenterPoint Energy service lines. Contact us to start earning incentives today!

Ask the experts​​

Get helpful advice when you Ask the Experts. Meet CenterPoint Energy's Trade Ally and New Market Development and Construction teams. 

Restoration services​​

Find information about CenterPoint Energy's reliable restoration work.