lightening strike



Natural Gas Safety Tips

  • Be alert for the smell of natural gas. If you smell gas, leave the area immediately on foot and tell others to leave, too. Do not turn the lights on or off, smoke, strike a match, use a cell phone or operate anything that might cause a spark, including a flashlight or a generator.
  • Do not attempt to turn natural gas valves on or off. Once safely away from the area, call 800-296-9815 and CenterPoint Energy will send a trained service technician.
  • If your home sustained water damage, call a licensed plumber to make repairs. This is a good time to inspect water heaters for proper installation and safety.
  • For any repairs required to be completed outdoors and underground, call 811, the nationwide Call Before You Dig number, to have all underground utilities located prior to excavation.
  • Be aware of where your natural gas meter is located. As debris is put out for heavy trash pickup, make sure it is placed away from the meter. In many areas the meter may be located near the curb. If debris is near a gas meter, the mechanized equipment used by trash collectors could pull up the meter, damaging it and causing a potentially hazardous situation. If this happens, leave the area immediately and call CenterPoint Energy at 800-296-9815.