
CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors, Michels Corporation and Q3 Contracting, are finishing the project this month. Michels Corporation finished all the project’s natural gas work. The remaining restoration work is on Marshall Street NE at 29th and 37th Avenues NE, where the crew connected the new main with the existing intersecting mains.

Early in the week of December 26, Q3 Contracting plans to pour concrete sidewalk north of 29th Avenue NE and concrete pavement north of 37th Avenue NE. Before New Year’s, the crews plan to remove the project’s traffic control measures. This will conclude CenterPoint Energy’s project.

We thank you very much for your patience and wish you a warm and safe holiday season.


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors plan to finish the project’s 2022 portion in the week of December 19 before Christmas weekend. This includes all the project’s natural gas line replacements and the temporary winter restoration. By then, the traffic barriers associated with CenterPoint Energy’s work will have been removed.

Q3 Contracting has been laying down temporary asphalt on the hard surfaces, including concrete. In 2023, Q3 Contracting will permanently restore the areas affected by CenterPoint Energy’s work outside the limits of Hennepin County’s “Marshall Street Northeast Improvements” project.

We appreciate your patience and wish you a great holiday season!


Natural gas work

CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors anticipate finishing the 2022 portion of the Marshall, Grand and California Streets NE project in approximately mid-December. A crew from Michels Corporation plans to finish replacing the natural gas steel main on Marshall Street NE within the second week of December. By then, they’ll have replaced it between 29th and 37th Avenues NE.

Currently, the crew is replacing the main on Marshall Street NE underneath the railroad bridge near St. Anthony Parkway.


Last week, a crew from Q3 Contracting paved and opened California Street NE from Lowry Avenue NE to 23rd Avenue NE. They also put temporary asphalt and opened California Street NE from Lowry Avenue NE to 27th Avenue NE.

This week, the crew will pave Marshall Street NE between 31st Avenue NE and St. Anthony Parkway, restore the curb at 31st Avenue NE. By the morning of Tuesday, November 22, they plan to open the intersection of Grand Street NE and 23rd Avenue NE.

Because of weather, the crew is beginning to lay down winter restoration. This includes temporary asphalt on areas that were previously concrete, and hydroseed on soft surfaces. In spring 2023, they will return for permanent restoration. This includes black dirt and grass seed on soft surfaces. They will work with the City of Minneapolis on the final restoration of concrete and asphalt.


Natural gas line replacements

Currently, Marshall Street NE has two-way traffic open in the southbound lanes within the project’s area. One crew from Michels Corporation is replacing the small-diameter natural gas plastic main and connecting the service lines to this new main.

Another crew is replacing the large-diameter steel main on Marshall Street NE. Beginning on Monday, October 31 and lasting for approximately two weeks, the crew will close St. Anthony Parkway at Marshall Street NE. During this time, detour signs will lead through traffic south on Marshall Street NE, east on Lowry Avenue NE, and north on University Avenue NE.

From Monday, November 7 to Wednesday, November 23, the crew will close Marshall Street NE from 30th Avenue NE to north of the railroad bridge in the 3400 block of Marshall Street NE. During this time, detour signs will lead through traffic on Lowry Avenue NE, University Avenue NE, and 44th Avenue NE.


Today on Wednesday, October 26, the crew plans to restore the curb and pedestrian ramps on 23rd Avenue NE at Grand and California Streets NE. On Tuesday, November 1, the City of Minneapolis plans to pave 23rd Avenue NE from California to Grand Streets NE.


A crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, has closed California Street NE from Lowry to 27th Avenues NE. This closure will last into approximately Saturday, October 29. During this time, eastbound and westbound traffic will remain open on Lowry and 27th Avenues NE. Through traffic will be redirected onto Grand Street NE.

The natural gas work is done on Grand Street NE. The crew is testing the new steel main’s pressure on 23rd Avenue NE. The crew is removing the existing steel main from California Street NE, starting at 27th Avenue NE and heading toward 23rd Avenue NE.

Last week, Q3 Contracting restored all the affected concrete surfaces and areas on California Street NE from 27th to 29th Avenues NE and on 29th Avenue NE from Grand Street NE to the dead end east of California Street NE. The blacktop surface is restored on the intersection of Marshall Street NE and 23rd Avenue NE.

From Thursday, October 13 to Thursday, October 20, the crew will close the intersection of Grand Street NE and 29th Avenue NE to restore the concrete base and asphalt surface.


For approximately the next two or three weeks, the entrance into 30th Avenue NE from Marshall Street NE will be closed while CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, Michels Corporation, is replacing the large-diameter natural gas steel main. During this time, two-way traffic will remain open on Marshall Street NE. Patrons driving to businesses in the area will be directed by signs. If they are heading north on Marshall Street NE, they will be directed to 29th Avenue NE and Randolph Street NE. If they are heading south on Marshall Street NE, they will be directed to St. Anthony Boulevard and Columbia Avenue NE. Businesses will remain open in this area. We appreciate your patience!


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors anticipate that the project will finish in early December, with some parts being done earlier than others. As the crews are finishing the work on Grand and California Streets NE, they will continue work on Marshall Street NE this fall.

From the first week of October to approximately the third week of November, a crew from Michels Corporation will replace the natural gas steel main on Marshall Street NE, beginning at 29th Avenue NE and ending at 37th Avenue NE, working a few blocks at a time. Since the crews weld the pieces of the pipe together, the steel main replacement requires open excavation. Time spent on each block will vary due to the size of the block, the steel offsets, the restoration preparation, and the weather. Restoration will follow the steel main work.

During this time, two-way traffic will be maintained on Marshall Street NE. Lane, parking, and sidewalk closures may occur. Flaggers may be on site.

Q3 Contracting will follow to restore the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work. They plan to work closely behind Michels Corporation. Depending on the weather, restoration may be temporary or permanent in the areas that will have the final portions of the steel main replaced. If the restoration is temporary in late fall 2022, the crew will return in spring 2023 for permanent restoration.


From Wednesday, September 21 to Friday, September 30, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will close Grand Street NE from 23rd Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE. This closure will happen at the same time as the closure on 23rd Avenue NE from California Street NE to Marshall Street NE. That closure is anticipated to end in late September or early October.

While these roads will be closed to through traffic, detour signs will lead through traffic to Lowry Avenue NE, California Street NE, and 22nd Avenue NE. Emergency traffic will have access north on Marshall and Grand Streets NE and in the alley between Marshall and Grand Streets NE, in addition to heading east on 22nd Avenue NE.

The Metropolitan Council has closed the intersection of 22nd Avenue NE and Marshall Street NE. This closure is anticipated to last for another approximate four weeks.


This week, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will pause Phases 1 and 2 due to the availability of materials. By Friday, September 9, they plan to remove their traffic control barriers from Marshall Street NE between 29th and 37th Avenues NE. By then, Phase 1 will have been finished on Marshall Street NE between 37th Avenue NE and St. Anthony Parkway. Phase 2 will have been finished between 29th Avenue NE and St. Anthony Parkway. The timing of the crew’s return has yet to be determined.

In the week of September 12, a crew from Michels Corporation will begin replacing the main on 23rd Avenue NE between Grand and Marshall Streets NE. For the rest of the month of September or into early October, pending the crew’s progress they will close this area to through traffic. By then, they will have opened the closures of the intersection of 27th Avenue NE and California Street NE, in addition to California Street NE between 26th and 27th Avenues NE. They will work within the closure of Marshall Street NE set by Metropolitan Council.

Q3 Contracting is continuing to follow the Michels Corporation crews to restore the areas affected by the project’s first three phases.


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors, Michels Corporation and Q3 Contracting, are progressing.

Phases 1 and 2

A crew from Michels Corporation has been replacing the small-diameter natural gas plastic main, connecting service lines to this main, and moving inside meters outside on Marshall Street NE, working north of the railroad bridge toward 37th Avenue NE. The crew plans to finish Phases 1 and 2 on Marshall Street NE up to 37th Avenue NE by mid-September. During this time, parking will be restricted on Marshall Street NE between 36th and 37th Avenues NE.

Phase 3

A crew from Michels Corporation finished replacing the main at the intersection of Lowry Avenue NE and California Street NE. They have been building an underground natural gas vault at 27th Avenue NE and California Street NE and will continue until Friday, September 9. During this time, the crew has closed the intersection of 27th Avenue NE and California Street NE, in addition to California Street NE between 26th and 27th Avenues NE.

Phase 4

Today on Wednesday, August 24, the intersection of Lowry Avenue NE and California Street NE will be open, pending weather. It was paved yesterday on Tuesday, August 23. From 28th to 29th Avenues NE, the concrete base on California Street NE is poured in the northbound lanes. A crew from Q3 Contracting is preparing to pour the concrete base for the southbound lanes.


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors, Michels Corporation and Q3 Contracting, are continuing to replace the small-diameter natural gas plastic main for Phase 1, replace the large-diameter natural steel main for Phase 3, and restore the areas affected by their work. Phase 2, which is connecting the service lines to the new mains and moving inside meters outside, will follow Phase 1.

Phases 1 and 2

Michels Corporation began replacing the small-diameter natural gas plastic main on Marshall Street NE between 29th and 30th Avenues NE and on 29th Avenue NE from Marshall to Randolph Streets NE. This week until approximately Friday, August 5, parking is closed on both sides of Marshall Street NE and 29th Avenue NE in these areas. The south sidewalk of 29th Avenue NE is closed from Marshall to Randolph Streets NE. A lane is closed on Marshall Street NE.

From Monday, August 8 to approximately Wednesday, August 17, the crew will work on Marshall Street NE at 31st Avenue NE. Parking will be restricted on both sides of Marshall Street NE, one lane will be closed on Marshall Street NE, and 31st Avenue NE will be closed from Columbia to Marshall Streets NE.

The remaining plastic main replacements on Marshall Street NE will last into early September. The crew will move for a few blocks at a time north to 37th Avenue NE.

As the crew replaces the plastic main, they will also connect natural gas service lines to the new main and move inside meters outside. The timelines mentioned above include work on the main, service lines, and meters.

Phase 3

From Monday, August 15 to Thursday, August 25, Michels Corporation plans to close the intersection of Lowry Avenue NE and California Street NE to replace the large-diameter natural gas steel main. During this time, Q3 Contracting will restore the intersection before a future closure by Metropolitan Council from Labor Day to November 2022.

Detour signs will lead through traffic to Grand Street NE and either 23rd or 26th Streets NE.

The crew has been installing an underground vault at 29th Avenue NE and California Street NE.

Phase 4

This week and next, Q3 Contracting is restoring the concrete panels in the street on California Street NE from 27th to 29th Avenues NE.


What’s been done so far

A crew from Michels Corporation has been replacing the Phase 3 large-diameter natural gas steel main on California Street NE from 29th to 27th Avenues NE. By the end of this week, they will have finished replacing the main in this area.

The crew has been working on the regulator station at 29th Avenue NE and California Street NE.

A crew from Q3 Contracting paved and opened Grand Street NE from 23rd Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE. As Michels Corporation moves out of California Street NE from 27th to 29th Avenues NE, Q3 Contracting will restore the concrete base before the City of Minneapolis paves the final asphalt layer.

Looking ahead

Starting in the last week of July and lasting for approximately 4 to 5 weeks, a crew from Michels Corporation will work on Phases 1 and 2 on Marshall Street NE between 29th and 37th Avenues NE and on 31st Avenue NE from Marshall Street NE to Columbia Avenue.

During this time, two-way traffic will be maintained on Marshall Street NE. Lane, parking, and sidewalk closures may occur. Flaggers may be on site. There will be closures of 29th and 31st Avenues NE at Marshall Street NE.

In mid- to late August, another crew from Michels Corporation will begin replacing the steel main. They will shift traffic while closing multiple lanes. Flaggers will be on site.

More information will be provided closer to the timing of the following closures: This fall, the crew will close the intersection of Lowry Avenue NE and California Street NE, in addition to portions of Marshall Street NE.


Starting in the last week of July and lasting for approximately 4 to 5 weeks, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors will work on Phases 1 and 2 on Marshall Street NE between 29th and 37th Avenues NE and on 31st Avenue NE from Marshall Street NE to Columbia Avenue.

The main will be replaced under the following locations: the east sidewalk from 29th to 30th Avenues NE; the north boulevard on 31st Avenue NE; and the east boulevard from St. Anthony Parkway to 37th Avenue NE.

During this time, two-way traffic will be maintained on Marshall Street NE. Lane, parking, and sidewalk closures may occur. Flaggers may be on site. There will be closures of 29th and 31st Avenues NE at Marshall Street NE.

More information will be provided about Phases 3 and 4.


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors are making progress. By Friday, July 1, a crew from Michels Corporation will have opened 29th Avenue NE from Grand to California Streets NE, in addition to Grand Street NE at 29th Avenue NE.

From Tuesday, July 5 to Friday, August 5, the crew will have closed California Street NE from 27th to 29th Avenues NE. During this time, detour signs will lead through traffic to Grand Street NE via 27th or 29th Avenues NE.

A crew from Q3 Contracting is restoring the curb on Grand Street NE from Lowry Avenue NE and 23rd Avenue NE. It is open to traffic currently. Over the weekend, it will have temporary gravel or asphalt. After July 4, it will be paved.


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors, Michels Corporation and Q3 Contracting, are progressing on Phases 3 and 4 of the project.

Phase 3

This week, Michels Corporation is finishing the natural gas steel main replacement on 29th Avenue NE from Grand to California Streets NE. The crew plans to open this area by Friday, July 1.

In the week of June 27, Michels Corporation will work on the regulator station at California Street NE and 27th Avenue NE and the natural gas vault at California Street NE and 23rd Avenue NE. During this time, a lane shift will occur in each area. The crew will also close California Street NE from 27th to 29th Avenues NE.

Phase 4

This week, Q3 Contracting will restore the affected curbs and sidewalk on Grand Street NE from Lowry Avenue NE to 23rd Avenue NE. In the week of June 27, the City of Minneapolis will pave Grand Street NE in this area.


Beginning tomorrow on Tuesday, June 14 and lasting for approximately one month, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will extend the closure of 29th Avenue NE from Grand to California Streets NE. The new detour route is 28th Avenue NE to Randolph Street NE to 30th Avenue NE. The closure on Grand Street NE is expected to open in approximately one or two weeks.


From Monday, June 6 to Friday, July 1, the crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, has closed Grand Street NE from 28th to 29th Avenues NE and 29th Avenue NE from Grand Street NE to the alley between Grand and California Streets NE. Detour signs will lead through traffic to 27th Avenue NE, Marshall Street NE, and 30th Avenue NE.

In the week of May 30, Q3 Contracting poured the concrete base on Grand Street NE from 27th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE. Tomorrow on Wednesday, June 8, the crew plans to pave Grand Street NE from 27th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE.


The crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, finished working on the vault at 23rd Avenue NE and Grand Street NE. In this week and in the week of June 6, they will work on the vault on 29th Avenue NE between California and Grand Streets NE. This road will be closed to through traffic. Detour signs will lead vehicular traffic to 27th Avenue NE, Marshall Street NE, and 31st Avenue NE.

The crew is finishing the remaining service line and meter work along California Street NE.

Last week, Q3 Contracting poured the concrete base on Grand Street NE from 26th to 27th Avenues NE. Today on Thursday, June 2, the crew is pouring the concrete base on Grand Street NE from 26th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE. On Wednesday, June 8, the crew will pave an asphalt layer at the intersection of 29th Avenue NE and Grand Street NE.


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors are continuing to work on Phases 2, 3 and 4:

Phase 2

Last week, a crew from Michels Corporation connected the service lines to the new main on Grand Street NE between Lowry Avenue NE and 23rd Avenue NE. They also moved inside meters outside. This concludes the Phase 2 work on Grand Street NE between 23rd and 29th Avenues NE.

This week, the crew will connect the natural gas service lines to the new main under the east sidewalk of California Street NE between 29th Street NE and Lowry Avenue NE. During this time, parking will be restricted on the east side of California Street NE in this area. On 23rd Avenue NE, the crew will be connecting the service lines to the new main under the south sidewalk between Grand and California Streets NE. Parking will be restricted on the south side of 23rd Avenue NE in this area.

The crew is also moving inside meters outside.

Phase 3

In the week of May 30 after Memorial Day, the crew will work on the natural gas steel main at 23rd and at 29th Avenues NE on Grand Street NE. They will also inspect the new main before activating it with natural gas. During this time, traffic will remain open at these intersections. When this work is done, they will replace the main on 29th Avenue NE between California and Grand Streets NE and then on California Street NE.

In this same week, they plan to open Grand Street NE from 28th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE.

Phase 4

On Monday, May 23, a crew from Q3 Contracting paved from 27th to 28th Avenues NE on Grand Street NE and have opened this block for traffic. They are preparing to pour the concrete base from 27th to 26th Avenues NE on Grand Street NE. Tomorrow on Thursday, May 26, the City of Minneapolis is planning to finish the blacktop layer at Lowry Avenue NE and Grand Street NE. This intersection is planned to be opened on Friday, May 27.


From Wednesday, May 18 to Friday, May 27, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will close the intersection of Lowry Avenue NE and Grand Street NE to replace the natural gas main and open it back to traffic. Detour signs will be posted. This closure will happen in addition to the current closure on Grand Street NE from 28th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE, which will happen for the rest of May. We appreciate your patience as we continue to upgrade our natural gas lines.


Phases 1 and 2

One crew from Michels Corporation finished Phase 1 of the project’s four phases. Another Michels Corporation crew is working on Phase 2 on California Street NE. They are connecting the natural gas service lines to the new mains and moving inside meters outside. In the week of May 16, they plan to finish Phase 2 on California Street NE and move to Grand Street NE.

Phases 3 and 4

For two or three weeks beginning on Thursday, May 12, the crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will close Grand Avenue NE from the south side of 28th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE. The crew will open Grand Avenue NE north of 28th Avenue NE.

Detour signs will lead through traffic west on Lowry Avenue NE, north on Marshall Street NE, and east on 31st Avenue NE. A temporary bus route will be west on Lowry Avenue NE, north on Marshall Street NE, and east on 28th Avenue NE.

To accommodate the buses, the crew will restrict parking on the east side of Marshall Street NE on the block just north of Lowry Avenue NE and the block just north of 27th Avenue NE.

A crew from Q3 Contracting paved Grand Street NE from 28th to 29th Streets NE. Today the 28th Avenue NE intersection will be opened. On Wednesday, May 11 and Thursday, May 12, the crew will prepare Grand Street NE between 28th and 27th Avenues NE to pour the concrete base.


Phase 2

A crew from Michels Corporation is continuing to work on California Street NE, working north from 22nd Avenue NE.

Phases 3 and 4

Currently, Grand Street NE is closed from 26th to 29th Avenues NE. From today on Tuesday, May 3 to Friday, May 6, a crew from Q3 Contracting will have restored Grand Street NE between 28th and 29th Avenues NE. They plan to open this block and the intersection of 28th Avenue NE and Grand Street NE on Friday, May 6.

The crew plans to open the closure of 27th Avenue NE and Grand Street NE either late in the week of May 9 or early in the week of May 16. This will allow the crew to replace the main and restore the area.

In the week of May 16, another Michels Corporation crew plans to shift the closure of Grand Street NE from 28th Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE to begin replacing the steel main on these blocks.


Phase 1:

This week, a crew from Michels Corporation has replaced the main on the east side of Marshall Street NE between 22nd and 23rd Avenues NE. This section will be the final portion of Phase 1. Phases 2 and 3 will follow the work on Marshall Street NE.

Phase 2:

Another Michels Corporation crew is continuing to connect the service lines to the new Phase 1 main on California Street NE at 22nd Avenue NE, working north.

Phase 3:

A crew from Michels Corporation is replacing the main through the intersection of 28th Avenue NE and Grand Street NE. They have closed Grand Street NE from 29th to 26th Avenues NE, working in the intersection of 27th Avenue NE.

Phase 4:

In the week of May 2, a crew from Q3 Contracting plans to begin restoring the concrete curb and pouring the concrete base.


Phase 1

In the week of April 25, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will begin replacing the project’s first main on Marshall Street NE. During this time, they will implement a lane shift and no parking on both sides of the road.

Phase 2

Another Michels Corporation crew began connecting the service lines to the first of the new mains. They are starting on California Street NE at 22nd Avenue NE, working north.

Phase 3

Today on Wednesday, April 20, another Michels Corporation crew will begin replacing the natural gas steel main at the intersection of 28th Avenue NE and Grand Street NE. The next intersection where they will replace the main is 27th Avenue NE.

They have extended the closure on Grand Street NE from 29th to 26th Avenues NE. The crew anticipates that the closure of Grand Street NE between 27th and 26th Avenues NE will last for approximately one month, while the other blocks will be gradually opened based on the crews’ progress and the weather.

Phase 4

This Monday, April 25, a crew from Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, plans to pour the concrete base on Grand Street NE from 29th to 28th Avenues NE. They will continue working south.

They will temporarily restore a small section at 29th Avenue NE in preparation for when Michels Corporation will return. At the end of the project, Michels Corporation will connect the new main to the existing intersecting main.


One crew has been replacing the first of the project’s natural gas mains, which is small-diameter plastic, on California Street NE from 22nd Avenue NE to Lowry Avenue NE. They are closing one lane. They have been crossing Lowry Avenue NE. On Monday, April 18, they plan to finish the crossing. They will set up a lane shift in the intersection during the business day. The crew is moving the no parking signs as they progress.

Another crew has been replacing the project’s second main, which is large-diameter steel. They have replaced it on Grand Street NE from 28th to 29th Avenues NE. In the middle of the week of April 18, the crew plans to replace the main up to 27th Avenue NE.


On Monday, April 11, a crew from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, plans to cross Lowry Avenue NE at California Street NE for that business day. During this time, two-way traffic will be maintained on Lowry Avenue NE as the crews close one lane at a time. Parking will be restricted on both sides of Lowry Avenue NE from Grand Street NE to the railroad tracks. The bike lane will be merged with vehicular traffic lanes.


Two crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will begin the project on Monday, April 4. One crew will replace the project’s first natural gas main, which is small-diameter plastic. In the weeks of April 4 and 11, they plan to replace the main along the following roads:

Under the east sidewalk of Grand Street NE between 23rd Avenue NE and Lowry Avenue NE; under the south sidewalk of 23rd Avenue NE between Marshall and California Streets NE; and under the west sidewalk of California Street NE between 22nd Avenue NE and Lowry Avenue NE. In areas of active construction, parking will be closed on both sides of the road. The sidewalk will be closed where the crews are replacing the main.

The other crew will replace the project’s second main, which is large-diameter steel. They’ll begin on Grand Street NE between 27th and 29th Streets NE. The duration of this work will be from Monday, April 4 to Monday, April 25. While buses will be detoured to Randolph Street NE, automobile traffic will be detoured to Marshall Street NE. Sidewalk closures will alternate while the crews will help residents maintain access.

A third Michels Corporation crew will begin connecting the service lines to the first main in the week of April 18. They will follow the first crew’s route. They will also move any inside residential meters outside. The crews will contact the residents to schedule appointments.

Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will restore the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work. Due to weather, they can’t begin their work until after Monday, April 18. They will pour the concrete base while the City of Minneapolis will pave the bituminous layer.


For approximately 2 or 3 weeks beginning on Monday, April 4, the crew will replace the small-diameter plastic natural gas main on California Street NE between 22nd Avenue NE and Lowry Avenue NE. This is the first of the project’s two natural gas mains.

During this time, the crew will close California Street NE between 22nd and 23rd Avenues NE, detouring through traffic to Grand Street NE via 22nd or 23rd Avenues NE. The crew will help residents maintain access. The southern sidewalk on California Street NE will be closed. Parking will be restricted on California Street NE between 22nd and 23rd Avenues NE and on 23rd Avenue NE between Grand and California Streets NE.

They will close put up a lane shift on the southern side of Lowry Avenue NE between Grand and California Streets NE. Two-way traffic will be maintained on Lowry Avenue NE. The sidewalk will be closed on the southern side of Lowry Avenue NE between California Street NE and the alley between Grand and California Streets NE. Parking will be restricted on Lowry Avenue NE from Marshall to 1st Streets NE.

How can I join the virtual meeting?

On Tuesday, March 1, beginning at 7:00 p.m., CenterPoint Energy will be answering questions about this project at Marshall Terrace Neighborhood Organization’s monthly meeting. You can join via your phone and/or your computer:

  • To join via your phone, dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 and input the meeting ID 896 7159 8160 and the passcode 785181
  • To join via your computer, please visit marshallterrace.org and input the meeting ID 896 7159 8160 and the passcode 785181.

What will CenterPoint Energy do?

From spring to fall 2022, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, Michels Corporation, will work in Minneapolis along the following streets: Grand Street NE between 23rd and 29th Avenues NE; California Street NE between 23rd and 29th Avenues NE; 23rd Avenue NE between Marshall and California Streets NE; 29th Avenue NE between Grand and California Streets NE; and Marshall Street NE from 29th to 37th Avenues NE.

While the crews will close lanes on Marshall Street NE, they will close a few blocks at a time to through traffic on Grand and California Streets NE. They will work with residents and businesses on maintaining access. Detour signs will redirect through traffic. The restoration crew will follow closely behind to reopen the streets shortly after the Phase 3 main is replaced.

What are the four phases of this project?

The crews will begin on Grand and California Streets NE before working on 23rd and 29th Avenues NE and on Marshall Street NE. This project will happen in four phases:

Phase 1: The crew will replace the first of the project’s two natural gas mains. This main will feed the natural gas service lines to homes and businesses. It is small-diameter plastic that will be bored underground.

Phase 2: A second crew will connect the individual customer gas service lines to the new Phase 1 main. This may include service line replacement and relocating gas meters from inside the home to outside. Customers will experience a short disruption of gas service as the crews are installing the new gas service line. The crew may have to dig in the ground on your property in the utility easement to complete the task of service and main distribution line replacement.

Phase 3: A third crew will replace the second gas main, which is large-diameter steel. Since the crews weld the pieces of the pipe together, this main replacement requires open excavation and takes longer to install than the Phase 1 main. Time spent on each block will vary due to the size of the block, the steel offsets, the restoration preparation, and the weather.

Phase 4: Q3 Contracting will restore the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work.

Constituents will not be assessed for this work.

What is CenterPoint Energy’s COVID-19 protocol?

The construction crews and personnel will continue to use the Covid-19 Customer Permission Flyer, which requests customer permission prior to entering homes. Personnel, contractors and CenterPoint Energy employees will continue to practice CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, sanitary practices and wearing face masks when entering customer homes.

What if I have an inside gas meter?

The customer will receive a CenterPoint Energy postcard in the mail typically within one or two weeks prior to the day when the Michels Corporation crews will perform the work. The crews will have CenterPoint Energy-authorized photo IDs stating that they are employees of Michels Corporation.

After the customer receives the postcard, the foreman will arrive at the customer’s house to schedule an appointment that typically meets with the customer’s schedule. If the customer isn’t home when they arrives, he will leave a door tag with his contact information to schedule an appointment with him.

Customers are advised to set aside a two- to four-hour time frame for the inside-to-outside gas meter move. They are also advised to mark their privately-installed utilities such as dog fences or sprinklers. Marking can be accomplished with tools such as spray paint or utility flags. The foreman will access the natural gas meter inside the house, move the meter outside, and relight the natural gas appliance pilot lights after the new meter has been relocated.

Customers with outside meters will be notified prior to the replacement or connection of the service lines to the new mains. Areas affected by our work will be restored to their original condition.

What should I expect during restoration?

On the soft surfaces such as boulevards and lawns, various erosion control measures keep the restored area moist, hold seed in the soil, and enhance seed germination. If an erosion blanket is needed it is secured in place with staples. The mesh is a wood fiber that will completely degrade. Prior to mowing the restored area, remove any loose staples that secured the blanket.