Project Status - Edina - Blake Road Belt Line Project


CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractors finished the Blake Road Belt Line Project. Michels Corporation finished the project’s natural gas work, and Q3 Contracting restored the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work. We appreciate your patience and wish you a safe season.


Crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, are finishing the project’s natural gas work this week.

Depending on weather, crews from Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, plan to pave the blacktop affected by Michels Corporation’s work late this week. Black Road is expected to open either this weekend or early in the week of June 1.


Crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, are continuing natural gas work on the Blake Road Belt Line Project. Tomorrow on Thursday, May 21, the crews will be testing the pressure of the newly installed main. Nearby residents may hear some additional noise for several hours. This event will take place on Blake Road at Waterman Avenue and at Spruce Road.

The crews have currently closed Blake Road to through traffic. 


  • Crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, have replaced approximately 95 percent of the project's natural gas main.
  • Yesterday on Monday, May 4, crews from Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, paved the entire project area. Today the area should be open to normal traffic. The crews’ equipment is currently parked in the parking lot of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, per the church’s courtesy.
  • Currently the crews are off site and have temporarily finished work for the next two weeks to work on another CenterPoint Energy project. When they return, they will connect the new main to the existing intersecting ones along the project’s route. Any areas affected by CenterPoint Energy’s construction will be restored. The crews anticipate finishing the Blake Road project within the week of June 1. 


  • Crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, have replaced 95 percent of the project’s natural gas main.
  • Currently the crews have closed Blake Road from Spruce Road to Waterman Avenue. Eastbound and westbound traffic is allowed on Maloney Avenue.
  • Weather permitting, crews from Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, plan to pave the entire job on Monday, May 4.
  • Between the weeks of May 4 and 18, Michels Corporation will work on CenterPoint Energy’s project in Fridley on 62nd Way NE. In the week of May 18, the crews will return to Blake Road. For approximately the weeks of May 18 and 25, Michels Corporation will finish the final natural gas work, and Q3 Contracting will perform the final blacktop work. 


  • Crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, have replaced approximately 68 percent of the project's natural gas main.
  • Currently the crews are working between Maloney Avenue and Belmore Lane. By the end of this week, the crews will have worked up to Spruce Road.
  • Next week the crews plan to close Blake Road from Waterman Avenue to Spruce Road, leaving Maloney Avenue open for residents. Q3 Contracting will begin paving the project area, working north from Waterman Avenue. This closure is expected to last for at least one week.
  • In the week of May 4, the crews plan to open Blake Road between Waterman Avenue and Spruce Road while the crews work on CenterPoint Energy’s 62nd Way NE project.
  • For approximately one week beginning May 18, the crews plan to return to and close Blake Road between Waterman and Spruce to perform final work and to connect the new main to the existing intersecting mains.
  • We appreciate your patience as we upgrade our natural gas system. 


Today on Friday, April 10, the crews are closing Blake Road between Spruce Road and Maloney Avenue. This closure will last into late April. Local residents can access their homes. We appreciate your patience and wish you a safe weekend!


Project Description: Beginning on March 30, crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will be performing work on CenterPoint Energy’s natural gas main on Blake Road from Waterman Avenue working north to Spruce Road, in addition to Maloney Avenue at Blake Road. Crews from Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will restore the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work outside the limits of the city’s work. 

Traffic impacts: Work will occur in segments rather than all at once. For approximately four weeks, the crews will close Blake Road to through traffic between Maloney and Waterman Avenues. This closure will include the work on Maloney Avenue. For approximately six weeks, the crews will close Blake Road to through traffic between Spruce Road and Maloney Avenue. Road restrictions are anticipated in areas where active construction is occurring and are necessary to keep both the public and construction personnel safe.


Due to concerns over COVID-19, also called coronavirus, CenterPoint Energy and the City of Edina will be cancelling the March 17 open house meeting. We apologize for the short notice, but we want to emphasize the safety and health of the public. Our Blake Road Belt Line Project will continue as planned. See our details in the update below:


Where, when, and why is CenterPoint Energy performing construction?

CenterPoint Energy and the City of Edina will be hosting an open house meeting to educate the public on CenterPoint Energy’s 2020 Belt Line Project on Blake Road:
Open House Meeting
Tuesday, March 17, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
4801 W. 50th Street
Edina City Hall, Mayor’s Conference Room
Representatives from CenterPoint Energy and the City of Edina will be present to answer questions.
Project Description: Beginning on March 30, crews from Michels Corporation, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will be performing work on CenterPoint Energy’s natural gas main on Blake Road between Spruce Road and Waterman Avenue and on Maloney Avenue at Blake Road. Crews from Q3 Contracting, CenterPoint Energy’s authorized contractor, will restore the areas affected by Michels Corporation’s work outside the limits of the city’s work.
Traffic impacts: Work will occur in segments rather than all at once. For approximately six weeks, the crews will close Blake Road to through traffic between Spruce Road and Maloney Avenue. This closure will include the work on Maloney Avenue. For approximately four weeks, the crews will close Blake Road to through traffic between Maloney and Waterman Avenues. Road restrictions are anticipated in areas where active construction is occurring and are necessary to keep both the public and construction personnel safe.
How can I access my home? Local access will be maintained. When the crews need to cross a resident’s driveway, the resident will be notified by the project’s foreman or inspector. Garbage and mail services will be able to access the resident’s home. 

What is CenterPoint Energy’s mission, and how can I contact CenterPoint Energy?

At CenterPoint Energy, we are committed to providing timely and relevant information to our customers and the general public to minimize inconvenience or disruption due to our construction activities. CNP has provided safe, clean and efficient natural gas service to Minnesota communities for more than 145 years. We are proud of this record and strive to improve it by educating the public about the benefits of natural gas at

Updates will be posted on this Project Status page. For any questions, you can contact one of the following resources:

Communication Specialist
  • 612-321-5546
Restoration Questions

Please reference the project name or number 86129256 when calling. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing to serve you. Thank you very much.