​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Boiler Tune-up Rebates

Enhance the performance, safety and efficiency of your hard-working natural gas boiler with a professional boiler tune-up. Individual boilers are eligible for a boiler tune-up rebate every other year*.

Did you know? Maintaining water quality is essential to your system's performance. Test boiler system water (clean and inhibit if needed), to ensure system efficiency, reduce fuel costs, prevent system failures and reduce environmental impact of operating the boiler system. Most boiler manufacturer warranties require that boiler system water be maintained within certain guidelines for pH and hardness levels. Cleaning and treating a system with poor water quality can improve system efficiency by up to 15 to 20 percent.

  • Using water from the boiler system, test for pH levels (cause of corrosion), overall hardness (cause of scale), copper (product of corrosion), iron (product of corrosion), and chloride (cause of corrosion).
  • Inhibitor manufacturers also offer inhibitor test products to ensure the boiler system water is appropriately treated. ​

Qualifying Equipment

Equipme​​​nt ​Rebate amount
Boiler tune-up25% of tune-up cost; up to $300/boiler; eligible every other year

Technicians must complete the following for each tune-up:

  • Measure combustion efficiency using an electronic flue gas analyzer.
  • Adjust air flow and reduce excessive stack temperatures.
  • Adjust draft control.
  • Check adequacy of combustion air intake.
  • Clean fire side of heat exchanger
  • Individual boiler needs may vary and could include additional items.​

How to Receive Your Rebate

  1. Install qualifying new equipment at a location heated with natural gas from CenterPoint Energy in Minnesota for a commercial account.
  2. All applications must be received by Dec. 31st of the calendar year in which the equipment is installed. Program is valid Jan. through Dec. 31​. Include copies of the dated invoice and proof of installation. To avoid delays, please submit your paperwork as soon as equipment installation is complete.
    Boiler Tune-up Rebate Form (PDF)​
    Submit your completed paperwork and required documentation via email or mail to:
    Commercial Rebate Processing
    CenterPoint Energy
    PO Box 59038
    Minneapolis, MN 55459-0038

  3. Allow six to eight weeks for rebate processing.​

Rebate amounts vary by equipment. Rebate funds are limited and subject to change without prior notice. Requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. Caps are for one calendar year. Some utility rebates are taxable under Internal Revenue Service rules. Customers are responsible for all applicable taxes. CenterPoint Energy reserves the right to limit any rebate and conduct on-site inspection of installed equipment. All decisions by CenterPoint Energy regarding energy savings, cost savings, rebate amounts and approvals are final. CenterPoint Energy cannot guarantee energy savings and does not warranty rebated equipment. ​​



​​​​​​​All rebates must be submitted by Dec. 31, 2025.